[React] High Order Component
HOC (Higher-Order Components)
- Component안의 로직을 다시 재활용할 수 있는 기수
- React API와는 관련이 없음
- HOC = function(컴포넌트) { return 새로운 컴포넌트; }
- 즉, HOC는 컴포넌트를 인자로 받아 새로운 컴포넌트를 리턴하는 함수
- 보통 with가 붙은 함수가 HOC인 경우가 많음
// export default withRouter(LoginButton);
import React from "react";
import { withRouter } from "react-router-dom";
const LoginButton = (props) => {
function login() {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000);
return <button onClick={login}>로그인</button>;
export default withRouter(LoginButton);
- 사용법
- Use HOCs For Cross-Cutting Concerns
- Don’t Matate the Original Component. Use Composition
- Pass Unrelated Props Through to the Wrapped Component
- Maximizing Composability
- Wrap the Display Name for Easy Debugging
- 주의할 점
- Don’t Use HOCs Inside the render Method
- Static Methods Must Be Copied Over
- Refs Aren’t Passed Through (feat. React.forwardRef)
export default MyComponent;
// export the mothod separately
export { someFunction };
// and in the consuming module, import both
import MyComponent, { someFUnction } from "./MyComponent.js";